
Welcome to the website and application of "Yemen". The site works as an electronic platform for publishing various electronic advertisements, according to the following terms and conditions:

First: definitions of terms

In this agreement, and unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated. "Yemen" or "the site" or "the platform" or "we" or "the pronoun of the speaker" or "the pronoun of ownership": refers to the website, in the state of Yemen. "User" or "you" or "parties to the agreement" or "proprietary pronoun of the addressee": refers to every person who visits the site, uses it, registers in it, or publishes ads through it, or follows the advertisements published on it, or deals through Site in any way. “Advertiser” refers to every person who requests the site to post its own ads. “Consumer” refers to every person who visits the site in order to see the advertisements published on it. "Advertising" Refers to every advertisement published on the site at the request of the advertiser, whether commercial or non-commercial. “Agreement” refers to this document and the terms and conditions it contains. "Content" refers to all text, information, data, images, logos, videos, advertisements, and everything that is published by the user through the site. "Agreement annexes" are all service descriptions that are published on the site's home page or sub-pages, as well as all contracts that supplement this agreement, which are an integral part of this agreement. It refers to all text, information, data, images, logos, videos, advertisements, and everything that is published by the user through the site. "Agreement annexes" are all service descriptions that are published on the site's home page or sub-pages, as well as all contracts that supplement this agreement, which are an integral part of this agreement. It refers to all text, information, data, images, logos, videos, advertisements, and everything that is published by the user through the site. "Agreement annexes" are all service descriptions that are published on the site's home page or sub-pages, as well as all contracts that supplement this agreement, which are an integral part of this agreement.

Second: our services

  1. The site functions as an electronic platform that allows advertisers to publish their ads on our site.
  2. The consumer can visit the site at any time and view the advertisements that the advertiser publishes on the site.

Third: the legal scope of our services

  1. The role of the site is limited to publishing ads only, without interfering in the editing of the advertisement, or in the process of communication between the advertiser and the consumer, and the site is not in any way a mediator between the advertiser and the consumer.
  2. We are not representatives or agents of advertisers, nor representatives or agents of consumers, and none of the provisions of the labor law, agency, guarantee, mediation, or other legal provisions related to legal liability for the actions of affiliates or others, and you explicitly agree on the nature of our work This is our role and this and you deal on the site from this standpoint.
  3. The site is not an Internet service provider, nor a housing provider, nor an informational content provider, nor is it treated as a publisher of any content that is published through the site or through any feature available for communication through the site.

Fourth: The legal nature of the terms and conditions

  1. This agreement and its appendices are the complete and final agreement between the site on the one hand, and anyone who visits or uses the site or uses any of its features or features on the other hand, whether it is an advertiser, consumer or visitor. It is also an electronic contract that completes the terms and conditions between you and the site.
  2. The description of the services and sub-pages of the site prepared by us is an integral part of this agreement.
  3. Amendments to this Agreement shall have the same provision and legal effect as this Agreement.

Fifth: approval and digital signature

  1. You acknowledge that you have the necessary legal capacity to enter into and agree to this agreement, and that you have full, unrestricted legal powers, in accordance with the laws in force in the country of the right.
  2. Once you use the site or register on it, you will thus have entered into this agreement with us, and have become bound by it from the date of use or registration, as the case may be.
  3. The site services are available within the country of the right and you can benefit from them from anywhere in the world, and you acknowledge and agree that you are bound by all the terms and conditions stipulated in this agreement regardless of the country that benefits from the site’s services on its territory.
  4. The user acknowledges that according to his consent to enter into this agreement, he will not rely or rely on any other undertakings, guarantees or assurances made by or on behalf of the site except for what is stipulated in this agreement.
  5. The use of the site may be associated with the provision of services or content of other parties, which are not subject to our control, and therefore you acknowledge that other terms, conditions and privacy policies apply to your use of the services and content of parties not affiliated with us.

Sixth: Terms of use of the site

  1. The user is required to register on the site in his personal or commercial name, that the name is real, and he is committed to refraining from using any pseudonyms, or any names that include any parts of our website address or any other well-known or not-known sites.
  2. The user acknowledges that he is responsible for maintaining the confidential information of his account, such as the user name and password, and that he is responsible for any disclosure to others of this information, and he is also responsible for any use that occurs by any person who discloses this confidential information to him.
  3. The user undertakes to be accurate when entering the information required to be entered on the site, and he is responsible for reviewing that information periodically for the purpose of correcting, amending or renewing it whenever new information becomes available regarding it, provided that he maintains all data and documents indicating that.
  4. All information you disclose must be true, updated, and correct, expressing yourself and agreeing to what is required in our registration form.
  5. If you provide incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, or incomplete information, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that this information is incorrect, inaccurate, inconsistent, incomplete, or inconsistent with this Usage Agreement, without prejudice to any other rights Pursuant to this agreement or law, we will suspend or cancel your membership.
  6. You may not use another person’s account at any time without obtaining the express consent of the site, and he is obligated to notify us in the event that he discovers any illegal use of the site.
  7. The user undertakes to inform the site immediately in case of hacking or stealing the account, or discovering any illegal use of his account on the site, so that we can take the necessary technical measures to preserve the account.
  8. We reserve the right to cancel accounts that have not been confirmed or have been inactive for a long time.

Seventh: Advertiser terms and conditions

  1. The advertiser must legally practice his activity in accordance with the applicable laws, and be legally authorized to advertise the goods, services, real estate, movables, or various activities that he advertises on the site.
  2. The content of the advertisement must be legally permissible and not violate any of the applicable laws or the provisions of Islamic law, and not to advertise products, weapons, ammunition, narcotic or intoxicating substances, or other things prohibited by law.
  3. The advertisement must be made in the original, and not violate any intellectual property right of others.
  4. The advertisement must not violate any of the rights of others; Such as property rights, commercial rights, or the right to privacy.
  5. The advertisement must not infringe on any individual, institution, company, government entity, or any other legal entity, and it must not infringe on any third-party products or services.
  6. The advertiser declares that he is fully responsible for the content of the advertisement, and that he has obtained all the necessary approvals to publish the content he uploads through the site, if it is related to this content with any right of others.
  7. The advertiser acknowledges that he bears any legal responsibility arising from the advertisement's violation of any of the rights of others, whether they are personal rights, commercial rights or general rights.
  8. The advertiser declares that we do not have any business or agency relationship with him, nor that we are employers, and we do not have any supervisory or supervisory authority over him, and he publishes advertisements on his personal responsibility without any contractual or legal liability on us.
  9. The advertiser knows and acknowledges that we do not have any business relationship, legal representation, agency or other relationship with the consumer, and in the event that the consumer breaches any of the rights of the advertiser, the advertiser must take all his legal affairs without referring to us or us.
  10. The advertiser shall not publish or broadcast any advertisement that misleads or deceives the consumer, and the advertisement is considered misleading or deceptive if it is related to the following:

    1. The nature of the commodity, its composition, its intrinsic characteristics, or the elements that make it up, and the quantity of those elements.
    2. The commodity's source, weight, size, method of manufacture, expiration date, conditions for its use, or prohibitions for such use.
    3. The type of service or the place agreed upon to provide it, the caveats of its use, and its essential qualities, whether in relation to its quality or very suitability.
    4. The identity and qualifications of the service provider, if the identity and qualifications are considered when contracting.
    5. Using a trade name, trademark, industrial drawing or model similar to a third party's trade name, trademark, drawing or industrial model, or similar to it to the extent that misleads the consumer.
  11. The advertiser is obligated not to do any of the following actions:

    1. Posting an advertisement for prohibited or unlicensed activity for a prohibited or anonymous product or service.
    2. Posting advertisements and promotions for goods harmful to the health or safety of the consumer.
    3. Posting advertisements or promoting them before making sure that they are fit for consumption.
  12. The advertiser is obligated, based on the request of the competent department or the competent authority, as the case may be, to correct or amend the misleading or deceptive advertisement that he published, or to re-publish the correction or amendment through the means in which it was published on and at the expense of the advertiser.

Eighth: Consumer terms and conditions

  1. The consumer knows and agrees that we do not interfere with the content of the advertisement in any way.
  2. The consumer knows and agrees that we do not make any guarantees regarding the authenticity of the content of the advertisement, or that the matters advertised will be achieved according to the advertisement or according to the law.
  3. The consumer undertakes to verify the advertisement content himself, and acknowledges that any communication between him and the advertiser is carried out at his personal responsibility without any interference from the site.
  4. The site does not interfere in any way in the contracts concluded between the advertiser and the consumer, and the two parties are responsible for implementing all contracts concluded between them, and the consumer acknowledges that these contracts are concluded outside the site.
  5. The site does not interfere in any financial transactions between the advertiser and the consumer, and the consumer undertakes to verify the safety of the means of payment by himself without any interference from us or responsibility on us.
  6. The consumer knows and agrees that we are not sellers or service providers and that we are just an electronic platform for publishing advertisements for advertisers, and a means for the consumer to obtain the best offers provided by advertisers, and that we do not play any mediating role between him and the advertiser.
  7. The consumer is obligated that the comments and responses to the advertisements are legitimate and do not violate any rights of us or the advertiser or violate any of the provisions of the law.
  8. The consumer knows and acknowledges that we do not have any business relationship, legal representation, agency or other relationship with the advertiser, and that we do not have any supervisory or supervisory role over the advertiser, and in the event that the advertiser breaches any of the consumer's rights, the consumer must take all his legal affairs without referring to us or us. .
  9. The consumer knows and acknowledges that we do not represent him in front of others nor are we considered his agent and that he is personally liable to the advertiser in the event of a breach of the terms and conditions stipulated in this agreement or in the event of a breach of the legal provisions and provisions in force.

Ninth: Payment Policy

  1. The advertiser is obligated to pay for the ads that he publishes on the site.
  2. The advertiser undertakes that payment will be made according to the packages advertised on the site.
  3. The site does not bear any errors regarding the payment process, and it is the responsibility of the advertiser.
  4. The amounts paid by the advertiser cannot be claimed for refund in any way.

Tenth: the licenses granted

  1. By your compliance with the terms of use or any terms of service as well as your payment of any applicable fees, the site grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to access non-commercial use of the site's services.
  2. This license does not include reselling or any commercial use of any of our services or their contents, nor does it include any copying of the information available on the account for the benefit of others, or any use of data extraction methods or any use of similar data collection and extraction tools.
  3. The licenses granted by us expire if you do not comply with these Terms of Use or any other terms of service.
  4. All rights not expressly granted to you in these terms of use or any other terms of service maintained by the site.

Eleventh: Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Copyright

    All contents included or available within the website services such as (texts, logos, pictures, graphics, audio recordings, button icons, digital contents, reloaded materials, software and data collection) are the property of the site, and they are protected by the laws of the State of Yemen and international copyright laws.

  2. Trademarks

    "Yemen" and associated logos are our trademarks and / or service marks. Also, the images, logos, page headers, button icons, texts and service names are trademarks and commercial designs of the site, and it is not permissible to use them in any way without consulting us.

Twelfth: the civil and criminal liability of the parties to the agreement

  1. You expressly agree that you use the Yemen website at your own risk, and that you are responsible for maintaining the use of the site with all seriousness and credibility, and you are obligated to compensate for any losses or damages that may be caused to the site as a result of any illegal or unauthorized use by us.
  2. You agree not to use the site or any service provided through it in an unlawful, fraudulent or anti-social manner as we estimate, and you agree not to send any messages or comments that are prohibited by law.
  3. The advertiser will be asked if he violates “the advertiser's terms and conditions” or any of the terms of this agreement. The consumer will also be asked if he violates the “consumer terms and conditions” or any of the terms of this agreement.
  4. In the event that the user violates any of the terms or provisions of this agreement, then the site has the right to take administrative action only within the site, which is to suspend membership for a period of time or make a permanent ban on the offending user, and in this case he is not entitled to register on the site again without the express consent of Location.
  5. The penalties imposed by the site on the parties to this agreement do not affect the right of each party to take all legal measures it deems appropriate according to its discretion without referring to us in any way and without any liability on the site.
  6. You agree to indemnify the site and absolve it of its responsibility and defend it against all claims and claims that may be brought or claimed by others as a result of your use of the site, or because of your violation of these terms and conditions or breach of the rights of other users.

Thirteenth: Conditions for exemption or limitation of liability

  1. We provide our services "as available", without any undertakings or guarantees of any kind, either express or implied, related to the use of this website, its content, or the services provided on it.
  2. The site will not be responsible in all cases for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, loss of profits and goodwill, or damage whatsoever, as a result of disclosing your username and / or password.
  3. The site does not provide any guarantees that this site, its servers, or messages sent are free of viruses or other harmful components.
  4. The site is not legally responsible for losses or damages of any kind that may arise from the use of this site, including but not limited to direct and indirect damages.
  5. The site does not provide any guarantee and does not assume any responsibility regarding the timeliness, popularity, accuracy and quality of the information that the user receives or arrives at through the site.
  6. Responsibility for using or relying on the information that the user receives or accesses through the website services rests entirely with this user.
  7. The site cannot confirm that every user of the site is really the person claiming it.
  8. We may at any time amend, stop or disconnect the services of the site without sending you a notice to do so, and we may also stop your use of our services if you violate these terms and conditions or if you misuse these services from our point of view.
  9. The site, its officials and its employees will not be legally liable towards you or any other party for any direct or indirect loss or for any other costs that may arise from or in connection with the implementation of the usage agreement, or in connection with the provision of our services.

Fourteenth: Taxes and Fees

  1. The user is obligated to pay all taxes imposed on the services he provides or that he receives through the site, including value-added tax and other taxes.
  2. The user is obligated to pay the telecom companies' fees in order to obtain the data related to accessing the Internet.

Fifteenth: Transfer of rights and obligations

  1. The site has the right to transfer all of its rights contained in this agreement to others without any objection from the user, and everyone is obligated to implement all their obligations contained in this agreement before the assignee as soon as they are notified of the transfer, and the assignee has the right to take all legal measures before the failure to implement his obligations under this agreement.
  2. You may not assign your obligations and rights under this agreement, or entrust the management of your account on the site to a third party, without our written consent.

Sixteenth: Amendments

  1. The user is bound by the changes and modifications made by the site in the applied policies, and he must accept any amendments that the site deems necessary, and the user is bound by them as soon as they are published on the site.
  2. We may at any time make any modifications or improvements that we consider necessary on the site to increase its effectiveness, and the user is bound by any directives or instructions provided by the site to him in this regard.

Seventeenth: Communications and Notices

  1. You agree to receive communications from us, and we will communicate with you by e-mail or mobile number, or by posting notices on the site or through other site services.
  2. Any notices required to be notified to the site under this agreement must be sent through the features provided by us within the site.
  3. Any notices that the site wishes to send to you, either by announcing it on the site or by sending it to you via the mobile number or e-mail that you provided us during the registration process, and you are supposed to know the notification as soon as the announcement on the site, or as soon as 24 hours have passed from the time the message was sent to you .

Eighteenth: Cancel the agreement

The agreement is automatically canceled without the need for excuses or judicial action in the event that you violate any paragraph or clause of this agreement above, while preserving all of our rights to claim compensation for the damages resulting from that. Or if we decide at any time to stop the activity of the site or change it.

Nineteenth: The law is the duty of the signatory and the competent courts

  1. This agreement is governed by the laws in force and in effect within the State of Yemen.
  2. The judiciary within the State of Yemen shall have jurisdiction over any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of the provisions of this agreement.
  3. In the event that any provision of this agreement becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the legality and enforceability of the other provisions will not be affected in any way by that provision.